$50 Logo Design
Let's get started...
I'll give it to you straight...
There are a lot of snobby logo designers out there who charge $500, $1000, and more for logo design.
It's not their prices that are the problem; it's their attitude. Many of them hold this absurd idea that all logo designers should charge a high amount and more importantly, that all clients should pay a high amount, or it degrades the industry.
There's just one glaring flaw in that mindset: not all client needs are created equally! Not everyone needs or even wants a logo that's deeply researched to make people consume more or feel hungry, and they're not going to pay high prices, period.
If a big fancy corporation needs a big fancy logo, they'll find a big fancy marketing firm. That's great, but those are neither my clients or competition.
Some people just need a simple logo.
NeedMyLogo caters to small businesses, mom and pop shops, artists, bloggers, garage bands, school sports teams, and that guy down the street that builds birdhouses.
— Thank You, Bryan Hadaway
(your one-on-one logo designer)
Questions? bryan@needmylogo.com.